A troubled VA Hospital in Tennessee had sex crazed workers commit orgies while on the clock

A troubled VA Hospital in Tennessee had sex crazed workers commit orgies while on the clock

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This story almost seems like made-up fiction from a porno, but a troubled Veterans Affairs Hospital in Tennessee has uncovered that its employees have been engaging in sex orgies with each other, all while being on the clock. One employee even admitted that he had already had sex with 32 of his co-workers. Several VA officials in the state have resigned amid the probe into the Mountain Home VA Medical Center, also known as the James H. Quillen VA Medical Center, as the investigation has intensified.

The employees who engaged in these sexual acts while at work, also even bragged about it using their company emails. So far at least four of the employees who admitted to being involved, have resigned. The hospital has already been plagued with sexual harassment and assault accusations earlier this year.

The House Committee had reached out to top Biden administration officials regarding sexual assault allegations but they never reached back. So all while the employees were having their sexual sexscapades, actual veterans were being neglected care. This is just another example of how the Biden administration neglects its vets.